My productions aim to connect our lives to the global environment in which we inhabit.

- Documentary
- Finalist in South Australian Film Festival; Newcastle Film Festival
Discover a family living the bush lifestyle 500km from any town on the Nullarbor Plain, one of Australia’s most infamously desolate regions in Western Australia.

- Virtual Reality; Drama
- Venice Film Festival Entry
The production is a virtual reality film that brings experiences in the Christchurch earthquakes to life as the ‘participant’ follows the stories of people who get trapped in the rubble. The film uses volumetric video and photogrammetry to create real drama with actors and mapped environments.

- Documentary
- Rhodes University
This documentary covers a celebration in the Dwesa region of South Africa that commemorates the launch of the Internet to 17 rural schools and records researchers, industry partners and government departments coming together to support the Living Lab led by Rhodes University.
- Not-for-profit, Documentary
- WWF Australia
WWF-Australia has been able to save 23 ‘threatened’ black-flanked rock-wallabies. Flying them to safety and a new home at Kalbarri National Park, Western Australia.

- Documentary, 360º Video
Scientists have announced that we have entered into a new geological age of Earth called the Anthropocene: the age of humans. Our Little Planet takes us through a snapshot history of our planet, then hits the streets to begin searching for a collective voice to find out just what type of planet us humans really want to inhabit.
- Not-for-profit, Documentary
- WWF Australia
A rare species of wallaby was thought to be extinct in mainland Western Australia, until WWF-Australia and the Uunguu Rangers were able to conduct some remote expeditions to track the elusive creature down.

- Interactive Video, Documentary
A short introduction to soils and how to tend to your soil in the garden. This video was produced at the Royal Tasmanian Gardens, in Hobart. It was part of a interactive project where QR codes were embedded in the Garden for visitors to discover and launch short contextual videos.

- Travel Pilot
- Biggest Baddest Bucket List Entry had put out a competition for a new videomaker and travel show host. Since I love travel so much, I put together an entry introducing viewers to one of my favourite off-the-beaten path destinations in Tasmania: Maria Island.

- Montage
Every North American Winter, millions of Monarch butterflies migrate to the forests of Mexico in a dramatic spectacle. This video is a homage to one of Earth’s great congregations of Life.