Our Little Planet
What does the Earth you want look like?
Scientists have announced that we have entered into a new geological age of Earth called the Anthropocene: the age of humans. Our Little Planet takes us through a snapshot history of our planet, then hits the streets to begin searching for a collective voice to find out just what type of planet us humans really want to inhabit.
- Documentary, 360º Video
- Producer; Director; Editor
- https://vimeo.com/176998290
Full Description
Our Little Planet takes us through a brief history of Earth, highlighting some of the milestones that shaped the environment we have today. Using 360º video techniques the film portrays this journey as a series of ‘little planets’, visually illustrating the totality of our Earth’s environment.
We arrive at our present age, where humans are having so much impact on our environment that scientists want to name our modern epoch the Anthropocene, the age of humans. After introducing the impacts we are having on Earth, the filmmaker hits the streets of Sydney to ask random earthlings how they feel about this new ‘Age of Humans’ and how they might design our planet if they were in charge. Most of the people in the interviews allude to one major theme: let’s all be closer to Nature, which is a desire that seems contrary to the way the world is headed.
The film draws attention to the effect single cell organisms had on shaping our entire history of life by unknowingly developing the process of photosynthesis. The achievement of this simple organism is compared to the direction humans are headed, challenging everyone to speak up to create the Earth we want. At the end of the film, people were directed to a website (now archived) that collated desires for the planet people want.